Onboarding Form - Email Validation
For detailed instructions on how to fill out the onboarding form, click here.
You will be asked to validate your email address if you are filling out the registration form independently.
Once you enter your email address, the following message will appear on the screen:
Click on "Validate Email" and you will receive another message asking you to enter a confirmation code.
This code will be sent to the email address you provided on the form.
You will receive an email containing the confirmation code, which you will enter in the "Email Validation" screen.
After you enter the code, the words "Email Validated" will appear in green under the email field on the form.
Please make sure that all of the mandatory fields are filled in. When you are finished, click on "Submit Form".
If all of the fields were filled out correctly, you will receive the following message upon submitting your registration form:
Once you complete the registration form, check your email for your login details and information on how to access your nipendo account.